Submit Your Work To The Blitzkrieg!!

Submit Stuff to the Blitzkrieg!




What is the Blitzkrieg?

Well, first of all, this is not a hate magazine, in fact our 'editors' want to create a community that anyone can become a part of. The purpose of our publication is to provide a voice to those who don't necessarily have one. Some of us humans are lucky enough to make a living at writing opinions or publishing fiction, but their is a wealth of unpublished ideas and thoughts that never see the light of day due to the selectiveness of the media as a whole.

Even though we are based out of Brockport New York, and have an area dedicated to SUNY Brockport Students, the Blizkrieg is always interested in publishing any works of prose, poetry, or opinion essays (columnists or reviewers) to the web, free of charge. We have a few restrictions, but they are mainly to issues of hate, intolerance, and other types of content that isn't supported with some documented fact (opinions only).

Since we are an on-line periodical, please feel free to navigate through this site by clicking the links in the top frame or to the left. Check out the our Writing Departments to read the most recent poerty, short fiction, or review submissions or read some of our esteemed author's previous works.

We are always looking for new writers, so please feel free to submit some of your own work! Before submitting any material, please read the disclaimer at the bottom of this page and read the Submission Requirements.

As an added service to you, we have added a newswire page, the purpose of which is to provide you with useful information about the world around us at the moment. Hopefully worth checking out. We also have placed our newest Newsletter, full of information, for you to read. If you would like our monthly newsletter send to your e-mail address, please feel free to join our mailing list.

We have just added our own Links Portal dedicated to anything that is Writing! Please feel free to check it out and add your site to our growing index!

If you have any questions or comments, please check out our F.A.Q. page , e-mail the editor in chief at , or Communicate with us in real time!!

For more information about us, please read our Frequently Asked Questions page!


[Front Page]