Lament of the Procrastinating College
Two hours of sleep. Two hours of sleep. Can one survive On so little sleep? Of course! I do it All the time! (and I hope you'll excuse this horrendous rhyme) Paper's due tomorrow and I haven't even begun. It's 7:30 on Saturday night, And the comp lab closes at 1. So, I grab my books, Making of my desk a flurry. Clean it up, snag paper and pen, Oh shit, I'd better hurry!! Gotta write, faster, faster, Yet still write from the mind and heart. Introduction, body, scribbled conclusion, Then for the lab I must depart. Tap, type, click, "enter" button, Fingers flying over the keys. Damn spellchecker, not getting the words! Finishing in an hour with ease. Now that I'm done, It's off to Trax for a midnight snack. A little TV, a little Nintendo, And then to bed, into the sack. And as I pause in class Next day to write this verse, I stop a moment and think to myself, "Procrastination's such a curse! If I had done this weeks ago, I wouldn't be in this mess!" So as I later to my roommate Whined loudly and confess'd, "Next time I'll do it right, And this of you I do beseech: If this EVER happens again, Smack me into next week So the wretched thing's never due!" Yes, I'm a college student- Through and through. |
Written By: Silvera
Submitted: February 23, 2000