Submit Your Work To The Blitzkrieg!!

Submit Stuff to the Blitzkrieg!


Here are some of the questions most often asked of us.
  1. What is the Blitzkrieg?
  2. Why is the Blitzkrieg called a magazine?
  3. What is the Blitzkrieg's Goal?
  4. Who can submit writing to the Blitzkrieg?
  5. Is old/previously published material submittable?
  6. How do I submit my work?
  7. Why the name Blitzkrieg?
  8. Why is the Blitzkrieg hosted at
  9. When is the Blitzkrieg published?
  10. What about copyrights?
  11. Can I advertise my web site in the Blitzkrieg?
  12. Whats this Columnist Thing About?



1. What is the Blitzkrieg?

The Blitzkrieg is a non-profit on-line publication dedicated to providing an open forum for ameture authors and columnists to express their viewpoints and works in progress

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2. Is the Blitzkrieg a real magazine?

In the traditional sense, no. The Blitzkrieg isn't a traditional periodical that you can find at a bookstore, on a newsstand, or in your local library. The Blitzkrieg is exclusively available on the World Wide Web, meaning readers need Internet access in order to read our publication. We would like to have the Blitzkrieg some day come out in a hard copy/printed edition, but between the lack of finances and regular submission and subscribers, we can not afford to produce a paper back version at this time. The reason why we use the term magazine is because we offer the same types of information and format of a traditional magazine, the only difference is that we are only in electronic form.

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3. What is the Blitzkrieg's Goal?

To build author confidence by giving them a forum for their work in an atmasphere where outside readers can read an author's material.

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4. Who can submit work to the Blitzkrieg?

The Blitzkrieg staff has an "open submission" policy, AKA, anyone willing to submit their work, via our submission form, will be considered for publication. Only those who don't follow our submission requirements will be denied and there is no fee for publication or payment (we won't buy your material from you, mainly because we are poor college students) for your work. All submissions are considered the work of the person who submitted the piece(s) unless proven other wise (Plagiarism is not tolerated under any circumstance, and proven works of plagiarism will be removed without notice to the submitted).

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5. Is old/previous writings submitible?

Most defiantly! The only thing we ask is if any material submitted was published in another periodical, web based or in print, please send along information about where the work(s) was previously published/featured., so we can make the appropriate acknowledgments.

(ex. Poem featured in _______ Magazine)

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6. How do I submit my work?

You can either use our Submission Form or send it directly to the editor-in-chief at

Here are some simple instructions on how to Cut and Paste your work into the Submission Form:

  1. Open up your writing piece inside your word processing program (Microsoft Word 97 or higher preferred, but not required)
  2. Highlight all the text by placing the cursor at the very top of the document, pressing down on the left mouse button (for PCs) and select all the text you wish to submit.
  3. If you have a PC ;Press CTRL and C keys at the same time. If you have a Macintosh; Press the OPEN APPLE KEY and C at the same time. By doing these key strokes, you have temporarily copied the selected text.
  4. Click over to the Submission Form.
  5. Place the cursor in the field undernieth the Submission Text Area. By doing this, your make sure that your going to place your text in the right box.
  6. If you have a PC; Press the CTRL and V keys at the same time. If you have a Macintosh; Press the OPEN APPLE KEY and V at the same time. You should see your text appear inside the box undernieth the Submission Text Area title. You have successfully 'Pasted' the copied text into the Submission Form.

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7. Why the name Blitzkrieg?

The word Blitzkrieg is German for Lightning War. When I came up with the concept, I understood that there would be an instant tie in with Nazi Germany and/or World War II in some way. This association is wrong. The Blitzkrieg On-Line Magazine is NOT, related to any hate or neo-nazi group of any kind. I chose the name because I feel there is a war fought daily between the academic literary world, which is mostly intrested in bolstering a presonal ego and/or making money, and the rest of us 'common folk' who enjoy expressing ourselves through writing. Some of the best short fiction, poetry, and essays I have personally ever read where written by the latter group of writers andconsidering most of the publishing houses and other means of showing a writers creative works to the public are controlled by the literary critics, I felt it was time to give the rest of us an oppertunity for some of the spot light.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not doing this just to piss off the literary world, just to promote the point that anyone can express themselves creatively through writing (be it poetry, fiction, non-fiction, or essay format) and that it is about time that the world be exposed to as many differnt styles and view points as possible, not just the selected works that some 'Best Sellar' or 'Literary Expert' trys to shove at us. Good literature, be it Pop Culture or Classical, should be accessible to the public in all its forms, not strained out by a 'well known' critic or scholar.

I'm hoping that the Blitzkrieg (and other publications like it) can even the field some between the budding ameture and the 'famous writers and critics' (Most of these are only famous in a few select literary circles).

In short, It's a Blitz against status quo publication practices.

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8. Why is the Blitzkrieg hosted at

I have had a long partnership with over the years. With the exception of the annoying pop-up ads, Tripod is the most relible free webpage service on the web today. I orgionally had this site hosted at, but thier service proved to be un trust worthy (sometimes un able to call up the Blitzkreig web site!) so I moved the magazine here for the time being. I am considering putting money into getting a Blitzkrieg domain name and having the magazine hosted on a pay service, but I wanted to gadge public intrest in the Blitzkrieg before I take this project another step towards a self supporting service to the writing community.

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9. When is the Blitzkrieg Published?

If time permits, we add submissions as soon as we recieve them via the submission form. Each new 'issue' is released on the 1rst of each month, (starting Febraury 1, 2000). At this time, all posted submissions from the previous month is moved over to the issue archives and new submissions for the new month are added to the main page.

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10. What about copyrights?

The only complication to the process of publishing anything to the web is the inability to effectively safe guard against copyright infringements and theft by third parties.The main problem is that copyright laws vary from state to state, country to country. One has to remember that the Internet is an International medium, thus what may be a copy right infringement in the US may not be in another nation.

How does this effect you?

Well it means that it is easier to steal someone else's work from the Internet when compared to other publishing mediums, including hard copy (newsprint) and patented video footage. This is why the Blitzkrieg can not guarantee any copyrights, because we don't publish a hard copy issue (would like to in the future, but funds are not available at this point in time to publish the Blitzkrieg off the web).

What is the best material to submit to the Blizkrieg?

A) Any material that has been published in a previous publication (hard copy!). We accept previously published material as long as we receive information about the prior appearance of each piece submitted. (Name of publication, date, page number).

B) Any material you feel comfortable sharing with the world with limited copyright protection.

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11. Can I advertise my site in the Blitzkrieg?

Yes, as long as your web site either fits the subject matter of the Blitzkrieg or would be of use to our visitors. The only requirement is that you link back to the Blitzkrieg web site. To have your link added to our site, just sen your name, web site name, web site URL (full), and a breif (50 words or less) discription of your web site to

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12. What is a Columnist and How Do I become one?

It's very simple to become a regular writer with our magazine. For more information, please read the Columnist F.A.Q. page.


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Please send your questions and comments to